Get Rid Of Spiders In Your Folsom Home Once & For All

spider crawling on skin

Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobic fears. How justified is it? Most people react with panic when they encounter a spider. “Is it dangerous?" "Will it bite me?"

"What should I do if it does?” Thankfully, most spiders are harmless. But that doesn't mean you want them hanging around your home. Here’s a guide to handling spiders in your Folsom home.

What Do Spiders Look Like?

Spiders are most often 8-legged arachnids that are double-segmented with a larger rear segment. They tend to have large eyes in front. Their movement speed varies, but they can move quite fast. Outside of these shared characteristics, appearances can vary widely. Some spiders are bright-colored, but many are black or brown primarily. 

There are over 40 thousand species of spiders on the planet, but only a couple of them are dangerous to humans. The most dangerous ones you can encounter in the United States are black widows and brown recluse spiders.

Why Are There Spiders In My Home?

Spiders feed on other insects, usually smaller ones. If spiders are popping up around your house, it’s because there are insects nearby that they’re feeding on. Those insects could be attracted to your home for a variety of reasons, depending on what they are, but most of the time, lack of cleanliness is the main cause. 
In addition to food, spiders might seek shelter from inclement weather. You’ll usually find them in undisturbed areas like attics, closets, and garages. They need access to food and space to build webs without disruption, so any space you rarely go into (where other pests live) are good feeding grounds for spiders.

How To Prevent Spider Infestations In Your Folsom Home

Even though most spiders are harmless, it’s not a good idea to keep them around. Spiders often reproduce, producing hundreds of babies.  You don’t want those babies crawling around and becoming adult spiders. You also need to be wary of black widow spiders, whose venom can kill even adult humans in extreme cases. Use these prevention tips to keep spiders at bay.

  • Keep your yard clean. Pests use debris to move around and stay hidden. Spiders know that. They build webs specifically around covered areas to nab pests trying to hide. Spiders also like to stay hidden, so they use debris to avoid being spotted.
  • Trim branches and shrubs. Spiders can climb from these onto your home, or they can use them as cover. If a spider feels it can hide, it will stay around.
  • Seal any gaps in doors or windows. These allow other pests to get inside, which will attract spiders. While completely removing spider food sources isn’t possible, it is possible to give them less and drive them away.
  • Remove webs often. Spiders whose webs continuously get destroyed won’t stick around. The longer you allow webs to stay, the longer the spider will stay. Using a hand vacuum, suck up the web and then empty the bag in an outdoor trash can. 
  • Use different porch lights. Many of the pests that spiders eat are attracted to incandescent, halogen, and CFL bulbs. Use yellow LED bulbs instead, which do not attract these pests.

One Way Folsom Residents Prevent Spiders From Taking Over Their Home

If you’re struggling to handle spiders, contact Neighborly Pest Management. We’ll happily assist you in removing spiders that just won’t go away or that are threatening you and your family. Our trained professionals know how to safely remove spiders from your Folsom home. Wipe away the webs and call Neighborly today!