Debunking Myths About House Mice In Elk Grove

a mouse in a bow of cereal

How much do you know about mice? Instead of trying to guess how to identify these pests, how to keep them out of your house, and what to do if they get in, keep reading to learn everything you need to know. Mice are sometimes a forgotten pest. However, if they get into your house, they become impossible to ignore. Before that happens, let us help you get your house mouse facts straight.

Myth: Mice Aren’t That Bad

One common misconception is that mice really aren’t that bad. After all, rodents like rats have a much worse reputation. However, house mice can cause all kinds of problems on their own, even if they’re much smaller than rats. They still carry a lot of diseases like Hantavirus, which can be life-threatening. They also gnaw constantly and may destroy furniture or electronics. If they chew on wires, they could even cause house fires.
Mice are also dirty and sneaky animals. They leave droppings and urine across the house and can contaminate food sources. They may keep you up at night with scurrying sounds or the sound of chewing. And they can upset pets and may even try to bite if they feel threatened

Myth: It’s Impossible To Identify A House Mouse

Mice are usually first identified by their size. They are small, often between two and three inches long. They have a long tail, which is usually as long as their body. Their fur is grey or brown, and they have small, rounded ears. If you aren’t sure if there are mice in your house, you can have the professionals from Neighborly Pest Management come by to take a closer look.

Myth: Mice Only Live In Dirty Houses

Although a dirty house may have more attractive features, the truth is that mice will come into any home. They come in seeking shelter and food. In a messy house, they may find easier access to food if there are dirty dishes left out, garbage cans left open, or crumbs on the floor. However, in a clean house, they may find crumbs under appliances, or they can get into the pantry and chew threw cardboard and even thin plastic to get at food.
As far as shelter, mice just want somewhere warm and out of the weather. They’ll often make nests in storage areas like closets, basements, and attics. Clean homes have fewer hiding spaces, but mice can still get inside an unused couch or chew a hole through a cardboard box to find their next home.

Myth: You Can Have Just One Mouse In Your Home

If you see a mouse in your home, odds are it’s not alone. Mice don’t wander far from their nest, so it’s unlikely that one would wander into your home alone. In fact, if you see one mouse, there’s a good chance there are many, many more. A female house mouse can have up to ten litters a year. Each letter could have more than ten babies. If you do the math, you’ll see that their growth can be exponential if left unchecked.

Myth: It’s Easy To Get Rid Of Mice On Your Own

The last and perhaps most dangerous misconception is that you can handle a mouse infestation on your own. You may think that mouse traps and a bit of cheese are all you need to take care of a mouse problem. In reality, these tactics are often ineffective. Mice are smarter than we give them credit for, and they multiply much too quickly to be gotten rid of one at a time. Plus, even mouse droppings can carry disease, so dealing with mice and cleaning up after them can be risky.
Instead of trying to take care of mice on your own, let Neighborly Pest Management help. We have the necessary experience, training, and tools, to completely eliminate the mouse population in your home. We can also work with you to create long-term plans for keeping your home mouse-free, long-term.
In a world where it’s so difficult to separate fact from myth, one thing is true: a house without mice is better than a house with mice. We at Neighborly can help you go back to the mouse-free house you need.