Seven Signs Of Termite Damage Around Your Elk Grove Home

termites in nest eating wood in a house

If a pest were destroying your home, you would know it, right? Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Although most pests are pretty obvious with the damage they do like with rats and the holes they chew through walls, woodpeckers, and the holes they drill into wood, and clothing moths with the holes they chew through fabrics, other pests are less noticeable. Termites are one of these pests. Despite being incredibly destructive, termites are often not discovered until it is too late. To make sure you know how to spot termites early, here are seven signs of a termite infestation you should keep your eye out for around your Elk Grove home.

What Are Termites?

Before we talk about the signs termites leave around homes, let’s talk a bit about the pests themselves. Subterranean termites, the most common species of termite here in Elk Grove, live in large colonies of intersecting tunnels deep underground. Almost all nests are built somewhere close to a source of food. In the case of termites, food is wood that is water damaged, rotting, or in some form of decay. If your home’s wood is negatively affected in this way, one or more colonies of termites might establish themselves on your property to feed.

To get from their colony to a gatherable source of wood, termites dig tunnels. If their food rests on top of a stone or cement foundation, worker termites will build pencil-sized mud tubes to keep their bodies moist as they climb the exterior of a home. These mud tubes are the first sign that should indicate to you there is a problem. If your home’s wood directly touches exterior soil, or cracks and gaps allow termites a way to the wood of your home without needing to create passageways, mud tubes will not be present.

Signs Of A Termite Infestation

If termites do not build mud tubes up your home’s exterior foundation, the only way you can know they are around is by the damage they cause. Here are seven of the most common damages related to termite infestations.

  • Tight-fitting doors/windows
  • Overly squeaky floorboards
  • Sagging water damaged drywall
  • Bubbling or peeling wallpaper and or paint
  • Visible galleys running through structural wood
  • Frass (termite droppings), on the ground below pin-sized holes in walls/ceilings.
  • Sagging ceilings/floors

With moderate to severe termite infestations, if you place your ear up next to a wall, you will hear what sounds like soft clicking. This is the sound of termites slowly breaking apart wood. This might be the time to call the experts at Neighborly Pest Management for an inspection!

Prevention Tips For Termites

Just because your home doesn’t currently show signs of a termite infestation, does not mean it will be safe forever. To help keep these wood-destroying pests off your property and out of your home, use these simple prevention tips.

  • Store firewood and untreated lumber at least 30 feet from your home’s exterior.
  • Repair and or replace structural wood around your home that is water damaged, rotting, or in decay.
  • Make sure your gutters are free of debris and properly channeling water away from your home’s exterior.
  • Trim back bushes and trees at least five feet from your home’s exterior.
  • Fix leaky piping and fixtures in and around your home.
  • Seal gaps, holes, and cracks in your home’s exterior foundation using a caulking gun.

To guarantee termites leave your properly alone, or to have a current infestation dealt with, trust the professionals at Neighborly Pest Management. Our team will work fast to apply advanced termite solutions where they will be most effective. No secrets, no upcharges, just services you can rely on. Give us a call today to get started on your road to pest freedom.