The Trick To Identifying Spiders In Your Folsom Home

a cellar spider crawling in a basement

One of the most feared and hated pests that people find in their Folsom home is the spider. There are many different species of spiders in the area, but there are some that you’re more likely to see in your home. Many people are scared of spiders because they can be really scary to look at and some spiders can harm humans. But most spiders aren’t dangerous to humans.

One of the most feared and hated pests that people find in their Folsom home is the spider. There are many different species of spiders in the area, but there are some that you’re more likely to see in your home. Many people are scared of spiders because they can be really scary to look at and some spiders can harm humans. But most spiders aren’t dangerous to humans.
While all spiders have fangs and all are venomous, there are only two in the United States that can cause severe medical problems for humans. The only species of spiders that you truly have to worry about are the black widow and the brown recluse. However, these two species are rather rare and most spiders you get in your home are mostly nuisance pests.
But even the spiders that are mostly harmless can be frustrating to deal with. They are scary to look at and many people are grossed out by them. Plus, spiders can indicate other pest problems in your Folsom home. Spiders are often attracted to your home if you have infestations of other small insects, so seeing more spiders around could indicate you have other pest issues.

Common Spiders In Folsom

There are some species of spiders in Folsom that you’re more likely to see in your home. Some of the most common are the wolf spider, cellar spider, yellow sac spider, orb-weaver spider. Brown recluse spiders and black widows might be found in the area, but they are more rare.

Also, the brown recluse is a spider that is commonly misidentified. Many people think that other species like the wolf spider are brown recluse. So, even if you think you might be dealing with a brown recluse, it’s a good idea to contact professionals as this might not be the case. The best way to spot a brown recluse is by the violin-shaped marking on its back.

Here is a brief description of some common area spiders.

  • The black widow is black with a distinct red hourglass shape.
  • The brown recluse is a mix of brown and tan colors and has a violin shape on its back.
  • The wolf spider is similar to one of the largest spiders, the tarantula, but it is smaller in size.
  • Cellar spiders have long, thin legs that are usually grey. 
  • The yellow sac spider is quite small and usually a yellow color.

Spider Prevention Tips

Whether you’re dealing with dangerous spiders or non-dangerous ones, they aren’t favorable house guests. There are some things you can do to prevent spiders, steps you can take around your home to make it less hospitable for spiders. Addressing underlying pest issues can also prevent spiders.

Here are some general tips.

  • De-web the exterior of your home.
  • Declutter and clean often.
  • Vacuum and sweep regularly.
  • Repair holes and cracks in screens.
  • Make sure you don’t have other pest problems.

Dealing With Spider Infestations

For help preventing spider infestations or to eliminate spiders in your Folsom home, Neighborly Pest Management is here for you. We have over 35 years of experience and we provide free estimates. We can provide assistance with the prevention and control of different spiders in the area. Give us a call today to learn more.