The Dangers Of Rodents In Your Folsom Home

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Sometimes the cutest creatures are also the most dangerous. The question is, how can rodents be dangerous when they many people keep them as house pets? The answer to this comes down to one simple difference; pest mice are wild. They don’t live in cages, don’t eat sanitary foods, and don’t get baths regularly. This alone is what makes rodents so dangerous? To more thoroughly break down the dangers that come with rodents, here are a few things you should know about rodents in your Folsom home

What You Need To Know About Rats and Mice

Several types of rodents live here in Folsom, but only two regularly invade homes, rats, and mice. Although similar in nature, diet, and appearance, these two pests have many differences. For one, rats are much bigger than mice and damage homes more severely with their stronger teeth. On the other hand, mice are more agile, and due to their smaller size can squeeze through smaller holes.

Although similar, mice and rats exclusively nest with their kind and often fight over territories. You are unlikely to ever have an infestation of both of these creatures inside your home, and if you do, one or the other will leave before long.

The Dangers Of Rodents

Rodents are feral creatures that do whatever they want. On a day to day basis, they might swim through a sewer, scavenge for food at a trash heap, and make a meal out of a dead bird. It is these types of behaviors that make rodents as dangerous as they are. As mice and rats live dirty lifestyles, they pick up bacteria, pathogens, and parasites. Inside homes, they spread these sickness vectors with their bodies, fecal matter, and urine. Common diseases associated with rodents and the parasites they carry include salmonellosis, hantavirus, and leptospirosis.

On top of spreading disease, rodents also carry fleas and ticks into homes. These smaller parasitic pests spread diseases of their own such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and the bubonic plague.

When cleaning up after a rodent infestation, use protective gear. This will reduce your chances of getting sick. In addition to this, throw out any boxes or bags of food with rodent sized holes in them. Call Neighborly Pest Management to do the job safely and effectively!

Why Rodents Are Hard To Get Rid Off

There is a good reason scientists use rodents in many intelligence-based experiments. They are smart. It is not uncommon for homeowners to find traps set off and free of bait but with no victim. On top of being smart, rodents are also prolific breeders. It only takes one female and male inside a home for an infestation to snowball out of control. As infestations grow, DIY(do-it-yourself) rodent control becomes less and less viable as a solution.

To make things more complicated, rodents live inside the voids of a home and chew holes as needed to get around. This leaves limited options for treatments and makes it extremely difficult to know when a method you are using is working.

How Professional Rodent Control Works

The only way to effectively control rodents around your home is with professional pest control services. At Neighborly Pest Management, we use top of the line equipment and advanced strategies to handle rodent problems around homes. Don’t risk your health and safety living with rats and mice, but instead, let our team help. With over 45 years in the pest control industry, you can rest assured we will always get the job done right. Reach out to us today to talk to one of our friendly service representatives about your options or for any questions you may have.