What Everyone Ought To Know About Rats Around Folsom

a norway rat in a home basement

No one wants critters crawling about their Folsom property, much less inside of it. And some specimens are hated more than others. Roaches would probably be in the top five on a list of most-hated pests. They’re scary-looking and carry contaminant bacteria. The only creatures that would be higher on the list are rats.

Many people wish rats were as adorable and harmless as they are on television. In actuality, they’re very dangerous. You might not want to think about them, but you have to if you're going to learn about proper prevention. Also, you need to get the rundown on how Neighborly Pest Management can help, should a problem arise.

What Rats Are Common in Folsom? What Are The Risks?

Norway, house, and roof rats are frequent in the area. Norway rats can grow to be 15 inches long, with tails around 7 inches. Their brown or gray fur is quite shaggy, while their ears and tails are scaly. They ruin foundations and yards with their burrowing. You’ll likely have to deal with these creatures if your yard has thick grass, or the structural quality of your property is poor.
House mice are about 7 inches long. Their black, brown, or gray fur is short and covers their ears and tail. You may notice that their stomachs are lighter colored. Shelter, warmth, and food are what lead them indoors. 
Roof rats are big, 15 inches long, or longer. Their tails are scaly and extend past their furry, black, or brown bodies. Preferring heights, they’ll run along power lines and tree branches to get to your roof, attic, garage, and rafters.

Signs of infestation include:

  • Seeing droppings
  • Spotting grease and rub stains across walls
  • Finding footprints
  • Hearing squeaking or scratching noises
  • Catching them during the day; most rats are nocturnal

Rats have parasites in their fur and get more germs from sitting in filth and trash. They taint surfaces and food when they touch it, and when they release waste. Some of the diseases humans can contract as a result are tularemia, hantavirus, and salmonella. These pests reproduce quickly, increasing the risks. In addition, rats gnaw on wires and walls to file their teeth, which are constantly growing. This could end in an electrical fire or cosmetic damage.

How Can Rats & Infestations Be Prevented?

Keeping rats out involves building and lawn maintenance. Rats have flexible bodies that allow them to get through cracks and crevices of almost any size. Cleaning your interiors to reduce their food and water sources is critical. Organic matter is inviting to them. That said, tending to your yard is important too:

  • Look for holes around your vents, utility lines, rooflines, foundations, doors, and windows. Seal the openings you find. 
  • Have moisture issues and leaks repaired.
  • Put food and garbage in canisters with airtight lids.
  • Groom your yard and greenery; distance plants from exterior doors.
  • Gutters should be cleaned often.
  • Decrease clutter.

What Can Neighborly Pest Management Do About Rats?

Don’t try retail pesticides and traps to eliminate rats. They won’t fix entryways, and you won’t be able to get to hard-to-reach nesting spots. Beyond this, most products have only temporary effects. The instructions are difficult to understand too. There can be lethal consequences with accidental misapplication. Last, but not least, it’s hazardous to handle rats and their waste. The safe, sure-fire route is to call us at Neighborly Pest Management. 
Our rat extermination services come with warranties, monitoring, entry point management, advanced trapping, and attic sanitation. We believe in thorough treatment that prioritizes your health and well-being. We offer one-time, recurring, and bi-monthly plans; all are cost-efficient! Request a free estimate today!