Should I Invest In Professional Termite Control?

termites crawling on the ground

You know you're in for a world of hurt when you come across termites in your Folsom home. These pests are known for their wood-destroying habits, and an infestation can quickly do a number on your home's structural integrity.

Termites are silent but deadly, and by the time you see signs of their presence, they've likely already caused significant damage. This is why it's so important to invest in professional Folsom pest control services as soon as you suspect termites might be present.

A trained and experienced exterminator will quickly assess the situation and develop a plan to rid your home of these destructive pests.

What Do Termites Look Like?

There are different kinds of termites, but the most common in Folsom are subterranean termites. 

Irrespective of the type, all termites have a few things in common. They all have a segmented body, six legs, and antennae. While most termites are pale brown or white, the reproductives (i.e., swarmers) are dark brown or black and have wings. You might see them around your home during certain times of the year when they come out to mate.

If you find termite identification difficult, your best bet is to call in a professional. A seasoned pest exterminator will have no trouble spotting these critters. Termites need to be treated quickly and efficiently to prevent further damage to your home. 

What Is The Best Way To Identify Termite Damage

Understandably, it can be challenging to spot termite damage as these pests are adept at hiding.

However, there are a few telltale signs that can indicate their presence, including:

  • Mud tubes on the exterior of your home: These tubes are used by termites to travel between their nests and food sources. They're made from bits of wood, soil, and saliva and are usually about the width of a pencil.
  • Live termites: Coming across adult termites on your property is a surefire sign of an infestation. You're most likely to see them near wood in contact with the ground, such as decks or tree stumps.
  • Swarmers: Seeing flying termites around your property is also a sign of an infestation. These are reproductive termites whose purpose is to mate and start new colonies.
  • Signs of damage: If you see any wood that appears hollow, it's likely due to termites. These pests eat wood from the inside out, so the damage they cause is not always visible.

While a termite problem is undoubtedly a cause for concern, there's no need to panic. With the help of a professional exterminator, you can get rid of these pests and protect your home from future infestations. 

Is There A Way To Prevent Termites For Good?

It's a given that you'll want to do whatever it takes to prevent termites from ever infesting your home again. Unfortunately, there's no surefire way to guarantee that termites will never come back.

There are, however, a few things you can do to make your property less attractive to these pests:

  • Reduce moisture
  • Remove food sources
  • Sealing cracks and crevices
  • Keeping gutters clean and clear of debris

A little bit of prevention goes a long way when it comes to termites. Following these termite control tips can help to deter these pests and keep your home termite-free.

But, if you think you might have a termite problem, the best thing to do is call in a professional.

Professional Termite Control In Folsom

Investing in professional pest control is the best way to protect your Folsom home from termites.

At Neighborly Pest Management, we offer stellar termite control services designed to eliminate these pests. Not only that, but we can also help to prevent future infestations. 

Our team of experienced and certified pest professionals will work diligently to rid your home of termites. We'll also take the time to assess your property and identify any potential risk factors for future infestations.

Don't wait until it's too late; contact us today to learn more about our termite control services. We're here to help you protect your home from these destructive pests.