Outsmarting Pantry Moths: Expert Insights for Successful Prevention And Control In Roseville


When you find a tiny moth crawling around in your pantry, grabbing a paper towel and getting rid of the little pest is tempting. But you may want to avoid handling moths in this way. That moth isn't your pest problem; it's the symptom. It is telling you that you have another pest in your food. 

If you'd like to know what pest we're discussing, join us today as we take a quick look at pantry moths. As always, if you need local pest control for your Roseville home, your Neighborly Pest Management team is here to help. Connect with us for advice or service options.  

Pantry Moth Life Cycle: Understanding Their Behavior

Okay. We've presented a bit of a mystery. What pest is in your pantry when you find a pantry moth? The answer is grubs. The first life stage of a pantry moth isn't a moth at all but a worm-like critter called a grub. Many pantry pests start as grubs, maggots, caterpillars, or other larval forms. They don't begin as six-legged insects. If you want to deal with an infestation, you must deal with the pantry pest larvae in your food.

How do you get pantry pests in the first place? How do they get their eggs in your food? In the case of pantry moths, the job of the adult moths is only to mate and lay eggs. They lay their eggs in food sources so the hatching larvae have immediate access to an abundant food supply. The larvae wrap themselves in cocoons and emerge as adults. After this, the cycle begins again. The more moths you see in your pantry, the more grubs you have in your food.

Pantry Moth Problems: How They Can Ruin Stored Food

It is entirely unpleasant to have bugs in your food, but is that the extent of a pantry moth problem? We're happy to say that it is. Pantry moths are not known to spread bacteria or diseases. They ruin your food primarily because they are present in it. You may find the little grubs wiggling in there or see the webbing created when they cocoon themselves in. In some cases, you may even find adult moths in there, attempting to get out.

So, what can you do about those yucky bugs? Is there a way to keep them from infiltrating your pantry and kitchen? Yes. Let's take a look.

Moth-Proofing Your Pantry: Practical Steps To Take

You can take many steps to keep pantry moths and other pests from contaminating your food. The best approach is to track the problem to its source:

  • Step 1: Check food packages at the store for rips or tears.
  • Step 2: Check the due date on all food packages.
  • Step 3: Store your pantry foods in sealed containers so you can check your food during transfer.
  • Step 4: If you don't use containers, clearly mark your food packaging with the 'use by' date and dispose of expired foods.

So, what can you do if you follow these steps and pantry pests still find a way into your food? Let's look at how to get rid of pantry pests from the perspective of your pest control service provider. 

Calling In The Experts: Professional Pantry Moth Elimination

What does professional pantry moth pest control look like? First, we inspect your pantry and kitchen for activity. Then, we isolate the area that needs treatment. Depending on the infestation, a crack-and-crevice treatment may be necessary. Mostly, we use systematic methods to target the areas of contamination and deal with the pests using integrated pest management.

Are you in Roseville? Contact Neighborly Pest Management for pantry pest control near you. We can answer your questions, provide pricing estimates, and offer more detailed information about our treatment options as they relate to your specific needs. Reach out to us today for immediate assistance.