Folsom's Handy Guide To House Spider Control

house spider on bricks

Spiders are arthropods belonging to the arachnid class, which also includes ticks and mites. These creatures are wingless, have eight legs, and have fangs that are capable of transferring venom. Fortunately, the majority of spiders are incapable of posing a serious health risk to humans. Although spiders are valuable for controlling the insect population, they are unwelcome nuisances to property owners.

Common Species Of Spiders That Infiltrate Folsom Homes 

  • Wolf spiders: These spiders have a dark brown color and grow up to two inches long. They are often referred to as “mini tarantulas” because of their appearance, but their venom is not as dangerous to humans.
  • Yellow sac spiders: This species has a tan or yellow color and rarely exceeds ¼ inch long.
  • Orb-weaver spiders: The size and color of these spiders vary but they are identifiable by their large patterned web.
  • Cellar spiders: These spiders are typically a lighter brown or grey color and have long thin legs.
  • Black widow spiders: These black spiders have a red marking on the abdomen and the females are highly venomous. They are not very commonly found indoors in this region.

Spider Activity Indoors

The presence of webs is a clear indication that a spider has ventured inside. Often spiders will travel indoors to escape extreme weather. Most spiders prefer somewhat secluded and dark indoor areas including attics, closets, and basements where they will prey on insects.

Preventative Measures On The Home’s Exterior

Homeowners should examine the exterior of the property to identify any potential points of entry for spiders. Any small cracks or other openings within the home’s foundation should be filled with a durable caulk or sealant.  
Look for gaps that may have developed around the seals of windows and doors and vents should be covered with screening.  Consider installing sweeps along the base of exterior doors. Turn off exterior lights that are attracting bugs or transition to yellow or LED bulbs that are designed specifically to not attract pests.

Spider Prevention Tips Inside The Home

Webs should be promptly and carefully removed to deter spiders from creating them. Be sure to look in garages, storage areas, and the upper wall area near ceilings for webs.
Regularly clean countertops, sweep floors and keep food in tightly sealed containers to avoid attracting insects that draw spiders to the area. The kitchen-area trash can should have a sturdy lid and the bag should be changed daily.

Spider Infestations May Indicate Other Pest Concerns

Spiders will seek to remain in environments where there are plenty of insects to feed on. Homeowners who notice that spiders are intruding should have the property inspected by a professional to determine if infestations by other insects exist. Some of the insects that spiders eat that may be living in your home include mosquitoes, flies, moths, and ants.

Taking Action To Rid Your Home Of Spiders

Many property owners make the mistake of attempting to eliminate serious pest infestations on their own. These efforts are often unsuccessful because the treatment does not effectively reach nests and hiding spots that exist within walls and other hard to reach places. 
An experienced residential exterminator has the knowledge and professional quality products necessary to ensure your home is completely pest-free.

Experienced Residential Pest Control Specialists In Folsom

When unwanted intruders such as spiders, rodents, ants, and others enter a home, they generally reproduce quickly, making the infestation worse. Fortunately, the trained team of experts at Neighborly Pest Management will promptly eradicate current pest problems.  
Also, we encourage you to be proactive in preventing future invasions by considering our bi-monthly home pest control programs. Contact us today for a free inspection and estimate.