Roseville, CA Property Owners' Guide To Subterranean Termite Control

up close image of a termite crawling over a nest

Before seeking out pest remediation services, many Roseville home or business owners will wait to have a visible issue. Popular belief dictates that’s the only time it’s necessary, but that’s a misconception. All kinds of creepy crawlers can get inside your spot without being seen. They can build nests very quietly, even if they reproduce quickly. The possible consequences are nothing short of grave. Insects and creatures have ruined entire buildings. Lots can introduce diseases and illnesses. Termites, for example, are known for being silent threats.

In trying to deter or recover from termites, Americans pay out a collective five billion dollars each year. These bugs usually lie within walls or soil, which allows them to be undetected for long periods. Learn more about how you can protect your assets from the nationally prevalent subterranean termites and what Neighborly Pest Management can do to intervene.

How Do Subterranean Termites Operate? What Are the Dangers?

Workers, soldiers, and swarmers are the three components of a termite colony. By and large, subterranean workers are 0.25 of an inch long and cream-colored. They grind wood the most. As you can imagine, soldiers are busy guarding the clan with their sizable mandibles. While they also have a cream shade, their heads are brown. These two sectors sit inside damp spaces, foundations, and soil. Swarmers are 0.25 to 0.50 of an inch long and black or brown. Their two pairs of wings help them exit the nest to get to their mating job and start another colony. You’ll likely see them by sources of light, which marks an infestation. Other notable signs are:

  • Discovering the scaly and translucent wings of swarmers
  • Finding loads of fecal frass near mud tubes, needle-point holes, and maze patterns in walls
  • Noticing that foundations sound hollow when knocked on
  • Hearing soft noises, like clicking and rustling, from behind walls
  • Having paint that is bloated, chipping, and appearing water damaged
  • Observing that drywall is off-color and sagging
  • Wobbly tiles
  • Weakening and noisy floorboards
  • Tight-fitting window frames and doors

With time, termite activity will lead to feeble bases and walls. Should there be a collapse, people may get hurt. You might have to relocate from your home or business if there’s enough instability. In some cases, permanent moves or closures occur. Regarding medical concerns, termites have been tied to allergy complications. However, the bugs aren’t associated with any diseases.

How Are Subterranean Termites Prevented?

By doing the following, you’ll reduce the chances of a termite intrusion happening on your property: 

  • Refurbish or replace wood that is rotting or injured.
  • Have moisture breakdowns and leaks repaired immediately, begin with those wetting the wood.
  • Close up holes in utility lines, caulk, and foundations.
  • Attach screens to all vents that face the outside.  
  • Flush out gutters and clean vents on a routine basis.
  • Place wood stacks and greenery at least two feet away from the property.
  • Never allow loose wood, such as carpentry panels, to have contact with soil. This is imperative with subterranean termites.
  • Cut the grass and trim the plants regularly.

What Can Neighborly Pest Management Do About Subterranean Termites?

There isn’t a single retail item that can handle a termite infestation. You have to trust professional avenues. We at Neighborly Pest Management have reliable termite control solutions that are safe for humans, pets, and vegetation. Our expert technicians will apply perimeter soil treatments with termiticide to create a long-lasting barrier. This involves specially-formulated injections to be drilled in crucial zones. Pre-construction options and warranties are available. When you call or email us today, you will be offered a free inspection!