What To Do If You Are Seeing Carpenter Ants Around Your Roseville Property

a carpenter ant crawling on wood fence

For every insect, there are multiple subspecies. In most cases, appearance, size, and function are what distinguish one from another. They aren’t the same. Several have a class that destroys wood. For example, carpenter bees can do a number on wood. Then there are carpenter ants. 

Carpenter ants are as destructive as termites; they just wreck things at a slower pace. Further, they come with additional risks. Ants crawl around with bacteria on their bodies. When they go across your interior surfaces or food, they can contaminate them. This leads to humans contracting illnesses like salmonella. Get the details on these bugs now so you can prevent their harm with Neighborly Pest Management’s pest control help in Roseville.

How Do Carpenter Ants Look & Behave?

Carpenter ants are some of the biggest ants there are, being ¼ to ½ of an inch long. Their color can vary from reddish-black to brown, red, yellow, tan, or orange. However, most are black. Workers in their colonies have large front mandibles, while the reproductive swarmers have wings.

The primary objective for these ants is to make nests and tunnels in rotting and/or damp wood. Structural lumber, logs, trees, and stumps are some of the items they’ll target. They’ll find cracks around wires, utility lines, vents, and foundations, and enter your home or business. Tree branches that extend over roofs give them easy access. From there, they’ll search for sweets, meats, and other insects to munch on. Considering all of these factors, you may have a moisture or pest problem if carpenter ants are on the scene.

Digging from the inside out, carpenter ants make foundations feeble and create significant cosmetic damage. Though they stay behind walls, knocking on them may cause the critters to show themselves. Swarmers will surround ceilings and crevices. Spotting a single one doesn’t necessarily mean there’s an infestation, but seeing these other signs does:

  • Stacks of body parts and wood shavings
  • Shed swarmer wings
  • Noticing rustling noises in the walls 
  • Having hollow-sounding walls

How Can Carpenter Ants Be Prevented?

To make your property less susceptible to carpenter ants, you have to be careful about how you handle wood. You’ll also have to pay painstaking attention to the interior and exterior quality of your space. And you’ll need to put more effort into being neat:

  • Inspect your foundations, paneling, walls, doors, windows, caulk, and piping. If you see any holes or gaps, have them sealed. Ants can get through the tiniest of cracks.
  • All exterior doors and windows need to have sweeps and weather stripping attached.
  • Have leaks and other moisture issues repaired; especially if it’s making wood damp.
  • Utilize a dehumidifier for moisture reduction.
  • Repair or remove decaying or injured wood on the property; this includes trees. 
  • Store food and garbage in airtight containers, wash your dishes, and vacuum regularly. 
  • Distance greenery and woodpiles from your exterior. 
  • Call Neighborly Pest Management if you have problems with other bugs.

What Can Neighborly Pest Management Do About Carpenter Ants?

Neighborly Pest Management has been in business for over 40 years. In that time, we’ve become members of the National Pest Management Association, Pest Control Operators of California, and the Roseville Chamber of Commerce. We understand ants and other critters better than anyone. We know exactly what it takes to get them gone for good. Whether we apply a synthetic treatment or an eco-friendly organic one, it will be effective and safe pest control.

You have the power to choose emergency, same-day, one-time, recurring, or bi-monthly services. It’s up to you. Call today and receive a free estimate!