Sacramento’s Ultimate Guide To Cockroach Control

cockroach in kitchen

Cockroaches are a problem no matter where you are, and Sacramento is no exception. Cockroaches aren’t only a disgusting nuisance, but they can also be dangerous to anyone in your home. Roaches can cause asthma or allergy attacks, especially among small children and the elderly. They can also spread up to 33 types of bacteria, including salmonella and E.coli, as well as parasitic worms and other dangerous human pathogens. 

As scary as they are, cockroaches are also hard to detect and prevent. This ability to avoid detection makes keeping cockroaches under control a difficult task. The best place to start controlling cockroaches is by determining if you already have a cockroach problem in your Sacramento home. 

Determine If You Have A Cockroach Problem

The first step to treating a cockroach infestation is determining if you have a problem in the first place. This isn’t always easy, since cockroaches are nocturnal animals who hide in the dark areas of your home. While you may not see a live roach, you can still be on the lookout for signs of their presence. Any of these signs can point to an issue:

  • Odor: Cockroach pheromones give off a distinct, musty smell most noticeable to those with sensitive noses.
  • Shed skin: As roaches grow, they will molt between five and eight times. These shed skins are seen in areas where cockroaches frequent, such as cabinets, pantries, and crawlspaces.
  • Smear marks: Dark, irregularly shaped marks on walls or baseboards can also be a sign of roaches. Roaches make these marks as they crawl throughout the corners of your home.
  • Droppings: Roach droppings look similar to mouse droppings. They can be found in typical roach habitats. 
  • Any of these signs could point to a cockroach problem in your home.

How To Keep Your Home Roach-Free

If you are fortunate enough not to see any signs of roaches in your home, that doesn’t mean it's time to relax. There are still steps you should be taking to keep roaches out of your home:

  • Deep clean your home, focusing on the kitchen and other less commonly cleaned areas, such as the backs of cabinets and behind appliances.
  • Remove areas of clutter that could provide a habitat for roaches.
  • Keep counters, sinks, and other areas commonly touched by food clean and free of crumbs.
  • Store food in airtight containers.
  • Vacuum at least once a week.
  • Outside your home, you should focus on preventing cockroaches from getting in. This includes:
  • Identifying and sealing off potential entry points for cockroaches.
  • Eliminate moisture issues in areas of your home, including basements, bathrooms, and crawlspaces.
  • Run water in spare bathrooms to keep U-traps filled.

What To Do If You Do Have A Problem

If you see signs of a cockroach infestation in your home, the best thing you can do is call our trained exterminators at Neighborly Pest Management. At Neighborly Pest Management, we take a big-picture view of pest control. This means not only controlling the current cockroach issue but also taking steps to prevent a recurring problem. 

Our big-picture approach starts with a thorough inspection of your home and property for signs of roaches and other pest problems. Using the information gathered in the initial inspection, our trained professionals will take an Integrated Pest Management approach to prevent roaches from returning. We will return for bi-monthly treatments, which include interior and exterior inspections and treatments. And if roaches return between treatments, so will we. Our goal is to keep your home and family safe and free from roaches and other pests.