Should I Be Worried About The Wasps In Roseville?

wasp on a limb

There are many pests in Roseville, California that can be upsetting to come across around your property, and wasps are one of these species. Wasps can be truly terrifying to deal with because they have the ability to sting, and these stings can be quite painful and sometimes dangerous.

While most people know what wasps look like, they can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from other stinging insects such as bees. However, there are a couple of characteristics you can look for to tell wasps apart and keep in mind that yellow jackets and hornets are actually just kinds of wasps.

First, wasps have long, thin bodies and a sleek appearance while bees are more rounded. Second, wasps are shiny and hairless while bees are fuzzy. Wasps also have a thin “waist” that attaches their thorax to their abdomen.

Because wasps are potentially a safety risk, you can refer to this guide to help you protect yourself and your property.

Are Wasps Really That Dangerous?

While most people know that bees play an essential role in the environment, not as many people realize that wasps do as well. Wasps are also pollinators making them a key member of the ecosystem. Plus, they can also help control populations of other small insects.

However, just because wasps are good in nature, it doesn’t mean that they are safe to have around your home or business. Wasps can be particularly dangerous because many species have the ability to sting and inject their venom multiple times in a row. This means that even people who aren’t allergic to wasp venom can still end up with serious side effects and in the hospital.

How To Keep Wasps Away From Your Yard

Because wasps can put you and others around you in danger, it’s a good idea to take steps to deter them. Overall, the most effective way to keep these stinging insects away is to remove or reduce the factors that attract them, such as access to food and water.

Here are some of the best measures to prevent wasps:

  • Keep hedges, trees, and bushes trimmed to remove areas where wasps like to build their nests. Then, generally keep your yard well-maintained.
  • Make sure not to plant too many flowering kinds of vegetation and avoid overwatering your yard.
  • Remove bird feeders and store any pet food indoors in airtight containers.
  • Wasps are also attracted to yards with water, so start by removing standing water and ensuring that rainwater can drain. Then, if you have a pool, hot tub, or other water features, make sure they are kept clean and use cycled water.
  • Cover all trash cans with lids and remove trash from around your property. The smell of garbage can also attract wasps.

These steps will help minimize the risk of wasps settling on your property but they likely won't be enough to eliminate wasps that are already there.

Can You Remove Wasps On Your Own?

If you’ve discovered wasps around your property, it’s not advisable to try to get rid of them on your own. Attempting to remove a nest is when you’re most likely to be stung, and some wasps will even sting in swarms. It’s not safe to attempt DIY wasp removal, but you can easily remove these dangerous pests with help from Neighborly Pest Management.

Our trained technicians will eliminate any current wasps and then apply ongoing treatment to keep them from returning. Call us today to get a free inspection.