The Secret To Safe & Effective Wasp Control For Your Folsom Yard

a mud dauber on a flower bud

Flying, stinging insects are some of the most troublesome pests you'll find around your Folsom yard. Even if you're not particularly scared of them, having a wasp flying around you can be upsetting. Being cautious of wasps is a smart way to react as they can be dangerous even to people who aren't allergic to them. 

There are many different species of wasps in the area, and it's important to note that yellow jackets and hornets are also different kinds of wasps. Each species has some unique characteristics and behaviors, so we've put together a list of the most common stinging insects around Folsom and how you can identify them.

  • Paper wasps: This is a group of social wasp species best identified by their papery-looking nests. They are a slender species with long legs and are usually brown with orange or yellow stripes.
  • Yellow jackets: The yellow jacket is considered one of the most dangerous species in the area because of its aggressive nature and ability to sting multiple times in a row. They are smooth and sleek with thin waists, and they have yellow and black stripes. 
  • Mud Daubers: This species gets their name because they build their nests out of the mud. They have extremely stream-lined bodies and thread-like waists. They are mostly black with some pale markings.

Preventive Measures For Keeping Wasps Away

Because of the dangers associated with wasps, as their stings can even lead to hospitalization, taking steps to prevent them is important. These steps don't mean you'll never find a wasp around your yard, but they can reduce the likelihood that wasps will nest on your property.

The following are some of the best ways to make your yard a less appealing place for wasps to live:

  • Wasps look for areas that have water sources, so remove standing water from your property.
  • Make sure that pools, hot tubs, and other water features are treated with chemicals and kept covered.
  • Keep trash cans covered with lids.
  • Store pet food in airtight containers.
  • Avoid eating outside, and if you do always clean up immediately, as wasps are attracted to the smell of things like sodas and syrups.

Why You Shouldn't Remove A Nest On Your Own

If you have seen a wasp nest on your property, you may consider removing it on your own. However, this can be very dangerous. Trying to remove a nest, even one that seems inactive, can put your health and safety at risk.
Most wasps are social species that will signal to one another for help if their nest is threatened, so you're most likely to be stung when trying to remove a nest. Also, many species, such as yellow jackets, will attack as a group and inject their venom multiple times, which can cause severe symptoms such as trouble breathing and dizziness.

The Safest Way To Get A Nest Removed

It's not safe to get rid of a wasp nest on your own, but it's still vital to eliminate these nests as they can put your and your family's safety at risk. The most effective and safest way to get rid of wasps and their nests from your yard is to get help from the professionals at Neighborly Pest Management. You can trust our 40 years of experience and commitment to high-quality, affordable pest control, and we even offer free inspections. To request your consultation or find out more, contact us today.