How Dangerous Are The Wasps In Elk Grove?

wasp crawling on table

Stinging insects are more than annoying, they can be downright dangerous. Wasps can be especially aggressive pests that threaten the safety of your family when they nest on your Elk Grove property. And while one sting from a wasp is painful, multiple stings can result in a medical emergency. 

But are all wasps bad? And just how dangerous are the wasps in Elk Grove?

About Wasps

Wasps are fascinating insects. They can have brilliant colors, and strange shapes, and may be solitary or social. In fact, while social wasps like yellowjackets often come to mind when we think of stinging insects, the majority of wasps in the world are actually solitary hunters. 

Wasps prey on smaller insects but may also scavenge scraps of meat from elsewhere. They also have an appetite for sugar and will lap up nectar, soda, juice, and even beer if they can find it. So, how can you tell the difference between wasps and other stinging insects?

Hornets are typically bigger than wasps, with most hornets measuring 1 inch or larger in length. Many hornet species are social and build nests. Unlike some wasps that build underground nests, hornets' nests are always constructed in elevated areas like tree branches and eaves. 

On the other hand, bees are almost always smaller than wasps. They tend to be more hairy and have a more rounded, plump shape compared to a wasp’s sleek segmented body. However, both bees and wasps may be seen drinking nectar from flowers.

Are Wasps Dangerous?

They aren’t nearly as proficient as their cousins the bees, but wasps are helpful pollinators that benefit the local ecosystem. Wasps are also skilled exterminators that prey on pest insects that spoil crops and damage gardens. Unfortunately, wasps can be incredibly territorial and aggressive despite the benefits they provide.

Individuals who are allergic to wasps are in serious danger if a wasp nest is established nearby. Even one sting can result in life-threatening anaphylactic shock. Pets, small children, and the elderly are also at elevated health risk from wasp stings. But even healthy adults are in danger if swarmed by wasps. The venom from a single wasp sting may be relatively insignificant, but the venom from dozens of stings is enough for a trip to the emergency room.

How To Discourage Wasps

The good news is that you can reduce the chances of wasps nesting on your property. Try a few of these tips:

  • Keep up with yard work. Control the population of bugs that wasps prey on by eliminating their hiding spots. Mow the lawn often and trim up bushes and other vegetation.
  • Plant the right plants. Try not to overplant sweet-smelling flowers and fruit-bearing trees. Incorporate a few wasp-repelling plants into your garden such as citronella, basil, and spearmint.
  • Don’t neglect trash. Make sure your trash cans are covered. Try to rinse out juice, soda, and beer containers before disposal.
  • Close nesting sites. Inspect the siding of your home or business for any cracks or openings in the siding and seal with silicone caulk. Fill in any holes in your yard that wasps could use for nesting. 

If you’ve got an active wasp nest on your property, don’t try to remove it yourself, even if you believe the nest is inactive. Instead, play it safe and call the experts at Neighborly Pest Management for assistance. 

We’ve been serving customers like you for over 40 years and we know a thing or two about dealing with dangerous wasps. Our friendly technicians will safely remove your wasp nest and protect your property from future infestations. Get in touch with us today.