All-About Aphid Control For Your Elk Grove Yard

aphids crawling on plants in a garden

There are many different pests that you might deal with around your Elk Grove yard or in your home. When thinking about pests, you’re probably imagining things like rats, spiders, or ants. While these are often a problem, there are other pests you might encounter that you don’t even know about. An aphid is a pest that might not cross your mind as it’s not as harmful as other species.

There are many different pests that you might deal with around your Elk Grove yard or in your home. When thinking about pests, you’re probably imagining things like rats, spiders, or ants. While these are often a problem, there are other pests you might encounter that you don’t even know about. An aphid is a pest that might not cross your mind as it’s not as harmful as other species.

Aphids are small insects that are regularly found in yards, especially in gardens.

  • They are very small and often invisible to the naked eye.
  • They can be anywhere from white to black to yellow or green.
  • Their bodies are pear-shaped, and they have long antennae.

While you might not be able to see one individual aphid, they always live and eat together in groups. They are attracted to your yard or garden because they eat fluid that comes from plants and have special mouths that allow them to do so.

Do Aphids Harm Humans?

There are many pests that can be dangerous to humans because they pose health risks. While some pests spread disease and others can bite humans, other pests are just a nuisance pest. An aphid is one of these nuisance pests that doesn’t pose any real threats to humans. 
The main problem with aphids is that they can harm your yard. When they eat plants, they can spread diseases to the plants that can cause the plants to look unhealthy. This can leave your garden and other plants looking less than appealing. The other problem is that they can cause agricultural damage. 
Aphids produce honeydew that they leave on the plants that they eat. The smell of this honeydew is an attractive thing to other insects, and these insects can do even more plant damage. Plus, the honeydew itself can cause fungus to grow.
For homeowners, one of the biggest issues with aphids is that their honeydew can attract ants. Ants can then spread into your home get into your food and contaminate it. So, avoiding aphids and eliminating them in your yard can have many benefits.

How To Prevent Aphids

Unfortunately, aphids can be really difficult pests to prevent. It can be nearly impossible to keep them from appearing, but you can identify them and take steps to get rid of them. Because they are so small, the best way to identify if you have aphids is to look for the damage that they cause.

Here are some of the signs of aphid damage:

  • Look for misshaped, yellowed, or curled leaves.
  • Check under leaves for aphids as they tend to hide on the undersides.
  • Look for stems and leaves that are covered in a substance that is sticky and looks like sap.
  • Keep an eye out for fungus that looks like a charcoal mold or leaves that are black. This could be a sign of aphids.
  • Look for damaged and deformed fruits and flowers.

How Can You Get Rid Of Aphids?

Because getting rid of aphids is such a difficult thing to do on your own, the best way to eliminate them is to contact the pest control professionals at Neighborly Pest Management. We offer a satisfaction guarantee and have over 40 years of experience. Give us a call today to get a free estimate for an aphid or any other pest problem.